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Forensics and Dispute Resolution

Towards A New Standard For Whistleblower Protection

Did you know that over 51% of employee fraud is identified through an anonymous whistleblower hotline?

Whistleblowers are a critical part of the fight against fraud, corruption, and other crime. Whistleblower systems have shown to be the cheapest and most effective way to detect a wide range of wrongdoing, and Canadian employers must take whatever steps they can implement systems that would allow whistleblower to step forward without fear, and speak-up without punishment.

Download our latest report on what you should be doing to help your whistleblowers, steps you can take to protect their identity, and what systems you can put in place to help you achieve this.

Download the PDF [ 579 kb ]


Source: The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2016 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse