Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes they lead to serious financial difficulty. If you can no longer meet your financial obligations, you’re not alone. We’ve helped thousands of Canadians to recover from overwhelming debt.

Everyone’s circumstances are unique. No matter how severe your situation or how it came about, we can help you get back on solid financial ground.

A fresh financial start is within reach 

Book a free consultation today

It may not feel like it right now, but you have options to get your life back on track. You just need to take the first step. We know how difficult this can be, so we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to get started. 

When you contact Grant Thornton by phone or email, a caring, experienced advisor will take time to listen and learn about your situation – respectfully and without judgment. They’ll walk you through all your options – not just bankruptcy -- and help with your questions. This initial consultation is completely confidential, cost-free and without obligation.

Qualified, experienced advisors who are on your side

As a national consumer insolvency firm, we have a dedicated team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees (formerly called Trustees in Bankruptcy) and debt-help professionals. They’ll work with you one-on-one to carefully assess your financial situation, clearly explain your options, and help you make informed decisions.

If you’re in significant financial difficulty, government-regulated insolvency proceedings that allow you to be discharged from your debt – such as consumer proposals and bankruptcy – may be your best option. When you take this step, collection agencies stop calling and we deal directly with creditors on your behalf. Only Licensed Insolvency Trustees can provide access to regulated insolvency options.

Whatever path you choose to a debt-free life, your advisors will help you stay the course. Imagine a life free from financial worry!

You can access a range of services at our convenient locations across Canada:

  • Free debt consultations
  • Financial counselling
  • Administration of consumer proposals
  • Administration of bankruptcies 
  • Debt restructuring

Visit our debt solutions website to book a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation with one of our debt professionals.